October 03, 2011

games at gram's

this scrapbook page is one that I thought about for quite a while but had to figure out how exactly to pull it off. It falls into the category of random childhood memories, along with a couple other pages I've made so far... I don't necessarily have photos to go with these memories, though, so I have to get a bit creative. (I found most of these photographs on the internet, but the Sorry! game is mine, along with the deck of cards-- they were actually my Grandma's, and I've kept them... I use them sometimes to play solitaire, but mostly I just like knowing I have them.) This page documents the games I remember playing when I would spend the afternoon at Gram's house. We would play board games or cards, either on the dining room table (with the clock on the buffet chiming the hour), or at the round wooden table (with the oilcloth tablecloth) in her homey, bright kitchen. I printed the photos 6-on-a-4x6 print so they would end up being approx. 2 inches square, and stitched the grid on the page with gray crafting floss, making sure to leave two spaces empty for adding the title and some journaling. The board games I remember most are Sorry!, Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, and also a very old board game called "Uncle Wiggily" (I think it may have been Mom's when she was little?? it was a board game with an elderly rabbit, along with some other characters, where you went thru the woods.) Many an afternoon was spent playing a rousing game of Sorry! where if you're lucky, you can send someone back to their home base, and of course, you're "really sorry" for it, but hey, that is how the game is played... lol!! I also remember playing card games: Crazy Eights, Old Maid, Go Fish-- I remember those exact Go Fish cards, and almost bought them on eBay when I found them, actually. There were also some really cutthroat games of Uno in there too for good measure... many good memories, to be sure!

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