October 09, 2006

the house is clean...

and I don't like it! (because it means that Tom is out of town... LOL!) He flew to Texas this afternoon, and picked up the house before he left. He did stop by my work to say good-bye though... awww! (my work is close to the airport, plus, he is very thoughtful.) He's scheduled to return next Monday, probably on a pretty late flight.

So, it's just me and the pets for the week. I'm still doing overtime at work this week... except for tomorrow, when I am hanging around the house to wait for the water softener repair guy and the exterminator guy. The water softener isn't working correctly, and the guy who was here Friday didn't even attempt to figure out what was wrong with it- he just adjusted the setting and said "that must be it." But it wasn't... so, they're coming back tomorrow. I'm making up the missed hours with the overtime, though, which is nice of my boss to allow.

Tonight I'm going to finish watching the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, starring Johnny Depp. We rented it on Sunday, got partway through it, and switched movies (to 2001, a Space Odyssey... it's too hard to explain why, but there is a connection between the two movies). I do want to watch the end of it, though- it's very dark, and rather disturbing, and I want to see it all come out okay. (The scene where Violet blows up into a giant blueberry because she chews the gum has always creeped me out!) I don't quite understand Johnny Depp's take on the character, but it makes me want to re-read the book, to see if the book is that way as well... I know I read them when I was young, but I don't remember the dark humor being so pervasive. Now that I've seen 2001 again, I'd like to try and read that, too... I really need to find a good library around here!

and, maybe I will do some stamping. The latest projects I posted in my 2peas gallery (I'm not going to post them here, because blogger gets so goofy with posting lots of pictures) are cards I made for a design team call: stamping and scrapbooking companies need people to make projects for them, to publicize their products- in return for doing the projects, you usually get free stuff, and get your work publicized on the internet, could be in magazines, etc. I didn't get picked, which is a bummer, but I still think it would be kind of cool to see my work in print somewhere, so I will persist. Rejection isn't easy for me, though, so it will be a stretch for me to do this kind of thing... but, maybe that's a good thing, to push me to improve! There's a couple magazines out there that also collect samples of work from readers to publish, so onward and upward...

(note to self: check 2peas gallery again later- it's doing some funky things right now!)

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