June 22, 2010

it is so worth it!!

Last Friday was our team fundraising event "Pink & Black for the Ta-Ta's." It was a frantic couple weeks, trying to get everything ready, and I was really frazzled leading up to it. The night before, I got totally overwhelmed from all the running around and staying up late to get things done. Tom gave me a hug and said "just remember, you're doing this for all the people who can't." I said (okay, I sorta whined), "that's great advice-- where did you come up with it?" He replied, "YOU wrote it- I got it from your 3-Day blog!!" (awww, both for that comment, and for the fact that he does read my blogs.)

Friday's fundraiser was a great opportunity to see this sentiment in person- the Pink Heals tour was there with their pink fire trucks (BTW, firemen who wear pink are hot!! lol!), we raised money for our walking team, celebrated with survivors, and honored those who have lost their fight with breast cancer. It was a very moving experience, and it was great to be a part of it. (for more information about the Pink Heals organization and the work they do via the Pink Ribbon Tour, you can click here.)

This woman (I'm sorry I don't know her name) lost her daughter to breast cancer in March. She actually found her daughter's name on the fire truck and got to sign hers next to it.

This truck is absolutely covered in names and tributes, which is kinda scary, when you think about it. We (as a species) have the intellectual ability to send people to the moon, invent all sorts of technology to make our lives "easier," and we spend billions of dollars on space exploration, the military, etc. yet we still haven't found a cure for this disease, or so many others out there. I'm glad to do my part.

(Plus, I was on my feet running around ALL DAY long, so I'm counting it as training!!) :D

(all photos were borrowed from the Pink Heals facebook page, which can be found here, for those of you who are on Facebook.)


Unknown said...

Amen! That's exactly right! Through all the hustle and the bustle, it's good to know we CAN do it when others CAN'T... to be the voice for those who no longer have one. Wow! So powerful! I'm glad it's over with (*sigh*) but it was a lot of fun to see the survivors having such a good time and know that WE made it happen!

Mikiep said...

Cool Barbies first Fire Engine :P