March 08, 2009

random photo catchup

a few random photos from a few weeks ago... the planned studio clean-up and painting-fest was interrupted today by some technical difficulties- did you know that an underwire from a brassiere can get into the water pump in your washer and cause all sorts of havoc, not to mention some horrible, God-awful noises?!? Neither did I, till today! (they're uncomfortable to wear, and turns out they're dangerous, too!) Luckily (after cleaning up the water left in the washer, that is) Tom managed to remove the wire, and the washer seems to be working correctly for the moment. In the meantime, take a look at these! Sedona and Bisbee, taking in the sun in the backyard. (Bisbee is on the left- she's not quite as big as Sedona, but will have a much fuller coat, I think.) It's been in the upper 80s here recently, but now is back down into the low-mid 70s, where it's supposed to be for this time of year; they do enjoy relaxing in the sun, but very soon want to come back into the house where we are.
Butters and I, doing some internet surfing. She's turned out to be somewhat of a lap cat, now that she's a little older and settling down. It's kind of difficult to operate the mouse when she's laying on my arm. though!
This is the inside of a barbecue restaurant in Albequerque, New Mexico. Tom flew into/out of here last month when he visited a customer site in Sante Fe, and stopped here for brisket and all the fixin's on the way back to the airport. We found this place on our very first trip together, and have always wanted to go back. (I tried to talk him into bringing some home for me, but he didn't think he could get it onto the plane). By the way, our very first trip together was flying out here to Phoenix and driving back to Illinois in a U-Haul truck with some of his belongings, when he was moving back to Illinois- as my friend Karen said, "you will certainly get to know someone when you're in a truck together for two days straight; it's a good way to find out if you caqn get along together." She was right, and it seemed to work out okay, since we just celebrated our 5-year anniversary last week!
here's a look at the outdoor sign at Rudy's, just off of I-40 in Albequerque, NM- I love the retro look of the sign, and highly recommend their barbeque to anyone who's traveling that way! (of course, I'm going to have to wait a while till I can eat there again... but, hopefully we can head to New Mexico this fall for the hot air balloon festival.)


Felicia said...

Good for nothin' underwires! LOL Sweet kitties :)

Liz Harrell said...

You have beautiful pets!

thekathrynwheel said...

A little something for you on my blog :-) Kate