March 23, 2009

Monday again, already?? the New York Public Library Digital image collection... I could spend quite a while browsing thru here!

(found via a wonderful new-to-me blog, Bricolage, Inspiration at Hand , which is also full of gorgeous photos for your browsing pleasure!)

the weekend went by very quickly.. work on Saturday, then napping/resting/sleeping Saturday afternoon and evening- apparently I needed to catch up on some rest! Sunday was spent with a couple friends, Jan and Lynn, at Lynn's house in Mesa, AZ. (aside: I drove thru neighborhoods full of lusciously fragrant orange trees in full bloom... the aroma was so strong it almost gave me a headache, but it's wonderful- there is nothing else like it in the world!) We watched the DVD 1000 Journals, talked, and sat on the patio while we paged thru Lynn's library of art books for inspiration. Lynn's husband was nice enough to grill us hamburgers, and there were a few snacks in there, too!) Now I am ready to get out my brushes, stamps, stencils, paint, and markers, and go to town creating! (of course, this means we can't eat at the kitchen table, but oh well... that's what the coffee table is for, right??)

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